Quick Fit: TRX Push-Ups
Doing just 4 TRX push-ups (& flat in plank position) is extremely more challenging after teaching 4 classes 😱🤣 If you want an awesome finisher you’ll feel in your arms and core…give it a shot!
Doing just 4 TRX push-ups (& flat in plank position) is extremely more challenging after teaching 4 classes 😱🤣 If you want an awesome finisher you’ll feel in your arms and core…give it a shot!
Grab a heavy plate and let’s do some obliques! 💥 Try for 20 reps of each and repeat 2-3 times. For a bigger challenge, add HIIT cardio in between each round.➖Side Bends➖Lunge Rotations➖Squat Overhead Press➖Around-the-Waist
It’s the crazy hair circuit! 🤪 LOVE this killer quickie! Here’s how it works – complete the circuits 5 times through total. No rest between exercises but after each circuit round 30-60 second rest or active recovery 😉 Round 1: 10 reps of each exerciseRound 2: 20 reps of each Read more…
Be a barre bada$$ with these 7 exercises! 💪🏻 ▪️Regular Squats▪️Squat Pulses on Toes▪️High Heel Pulses▪️Wide Plié Pulses▪️Donkey Pulses▪️Fire Hydrants▪️Side Leg Pulses
Want a quick upper body blast…insert this short #trx routine into your next sweat session! After a cardio burst, perform 10-20 reps of each exercise IN A ROW & then head off to do your next HIIT aerobic interval. Keep repeating or even through in some push-ups & dips for Read more…
Have a foam roller? You can do more on it than just painfully roll out those sore muscles 🤝🏻 Dips, push-ups even abs become more challenging due to the instability. I just don’t recommend trying the ‘log roll’ where you run on it like a lumberjack…or like my kids do Read more…
Time for a TOTAL BURN 🔥 Grab 1-heavy dumbbell…a 15lb or 20lb would be great 👍🏻 Perform every exercise 10-20 reps then do it again on the other side. Repeat the whole sequence…if you can 😜 Squat Press*High Knee*Squat Pivot Press*Reverse Lunge Front Raise*Plie Dumbbell SwitchHalo to Knee Lift*Standing CrunchSquat Read more…
A stability ball makes EVERYTHING more challenging 😰 Try your favorite core, upper body and cardio exercises on that big ball and FEEL THE BURN 🔥
A little booty action for your #quickfit 🔥 Grab some medium-heavy weights (dumbbells, plates, kettlebells) of 10lb or more and complete 10-20 reps of each exercise. Repeat as needed 🍑🍑🍑 ▪️Glute Bridges▪️Right Leg Step-Ups▪️Left Leg Step-Ups▪️Squat Tap Jumps▪️Alternating Reverse Step-Downs
TRX training is awesome for just about…well…everything! A perfect place to start is at the end of your workout session with some floor training. Add in the some bridges, crunches, bicycles and hamstring curls to amp up that big finish!