Post photos to your Instagram story and participate in the Virtual PSF community!
Your Instagram story are photos or videos you post and they disappear within 24 hours. We love to see your accomplishments and it helps to get the word out regarding Virtual PSF!
Here is how to post your workout photos to your Instagram story!
- Open Instagram and click the HOME button on the bottom left (this takes you to your Instagram feed where you see everyone’s photos)

- Swipe right and a camera screen will open. This is where you can take your workout photo or upload one!

- Choose your option. If you want to upload a photo, click the little squares preview in the bottom left corner and choose.

- Choose your option. If you want to take a photo, it’s easiest to choose the “NORMAL” option (if you want a video just hold the circle camera button down) – you can also flip the camera around click the arrow circle or double-tapping the screen

- Once you have your photo, you’ll want to decorate it up! To add text click the Aa at the top right and to draw click the squiggly lines.

- To add a GIF/animation or sticker, click the square with the smiley face.

- To find a GIF enter a search term – i.e. “PSF” will return a lot of our own GIFs to search from.

- You can resize the GIFs/stickers & move them!

- Lastly, you definitely need to tag us! If you don’t tag us, we might miss your photo! Simple add the text @virtualpsf and make sure you have toggled ON “Let people you mention add this to their story?”

- To post to your story that all of your own Instagram followers can see, click the bottom left circle that says YOUR STORY.

- If you JUST want to send it to us, click on the right SEND TO and choose us!